For Electronic & Electrical Systems

latest news

News and events related to the company

The process of replacing insulators for 15 transmission line towers east of the lakes/east of Ismailia involves upgrading the electrical insulation for these towers

Implementing the rehabilitation works for 15 high-voltage transmission line towers (66 kV) in the Suez Canal Electricity area.

Electricity networks

Medium and low voltage power grids


Air networks

Medium and low voltage electrical distribution networks
Laying of medium and low voltage electrical cables and overhead lines of medium and low voltage
Synchronization systems to run more than one generator in parallel Synehronizing systems

Our business

The last projects we have implemented

Safety and protection

We work to provide security through the fire alarm system and electronic fire control




Our Team

These are the makers of development

Engineer /Ahmed Husien

Accountant/Mahmoud Ibrahim

Contact :

(+202) 22670427- 22670428 Call us by phone or you can send an email through the following link: :